I finally found a use for those link buttons on this thing! They all link to the same thing so do not fret, my friends ( and possibly not, I mean, the internet is accessible to everyone, including people who don't know me ( If you don't you should get to know my perfect self))!
It's really cheesy.

  Do you ever hear the squeaking of balloons against each other and just, cringe??? It's such an awful sound! Like when you touch a towel or another type of fabric while your hands are really dry and chalky, and it sends shivers up and down your back because you touched it and UGH IT'S SO TERRIBLE!! Why, hands, why‽‽‽‽

  Y'know, a while back I was looking up how to cope with people who chew their gum really loud, and I learned it's directly linked to a thing called Misophonia. Misophonia is when you can't stand a certain noise and almost go entirely berserk when you hear it, usually it's the sound of people chewing. It's actually really common; my brother has it, I have it, my sister has it, and I'm sure my dad and mom do to some degree as well.

  I decided to write about that because there's this person right in front of me who is whispering and I had to turn on some music to drown them out because it was actually angering me. I'm annoyed by my own whispering too, though for a different reason ( I'm like a megaphone, it's impossible for me to whisper nicely.). As for the gum chewing, I asked my teacher to be seated elsewhere because I would probably go crazy if I had to listen to the person chew all day and watch their jaw sort of almost unhinge in the corner of my eye because apparently they had no control over it. Ugh, they should make a no gum chewing policy in the school. Or whispering.