Picture Back in the days when BW2 were first released.
Hi the title has nothing to do with anything haha sorry Kyouhei my man

  You should all go look at the BW2 quiz book I swear this dude is seriously so ridiculous

 Is everyone ready for the summer? Is someone already in summer? Are you in the state of being summer? Maybe you should try to achieve the state of Yo.

  Isn't summer so great? I'll soon be able to lay around and sleep in without nasty repercussions! Fabulous. Also, I recently bought animal crossing new leaf! If anyone still even looks at this site and has it as well, then we can exchange friendcodes!! Hooray!

  That's all I want to write. Be ready for when I get Silver because you're in for some crazy stuff. See ya!

I'm pretty sure about that.

  That aside, I have to write about what has happened 'Inside school walls' lately against my will. Geez,again with the off-topic. What transpired as of late has been pretty boring, but I'll focus on Romeo and Juliet since that's what we're doing like, right after this. Enjoy.

  SO, Romeo and Juliet... an embarrassing play I had to take part in in about sixth grade, and still have to do to this day, hooray. However, now that I understand most of the crude jokes so far, I'm wondering if any teacher in sixth grade actually looked at the original content. Who ever heard of a play that starts out with two people talking about their... junk? Although I'm sure it was a more kid-friendly version, geez. Also, did people actually kiss on the first meeting back then because if so, [redacted]! What if kids these days did that too? Can you imagine first graders having already kissed a 'girlfriend' on the first day? That's actually kind of sick ( Bleh sick not cool sick) as I'm sure it has happened before.

  The play's kind of absurd so far, as every time you turn around someone's making another virgin or penis joke; though I guess it's not that different from today, really. If you substitute virgin joke with a 'yo mama' style joke and penis with more penis it would be pretty close to what's happening today ( excuse my vulgarity but hey, why should we have to watch my language when writing my own personal thoughts? Am I going to lose job opportunities for putting down my deepest thoughts? Why sugar-coat things?).

  Really, I guess Romeo and Juliet is kind of exactly what's going on right now, just without thirteen-year-olds getting married to fifteeners. I wonder what Shakespeare thought the world would be like in 2012? I doubt the thought crossed his mind, though.

  SO, how many vaguely phallic jokes are YOU going to make today?
I got over 100 views on the 30th! You guys are amazing!

  Thank you for actually leaving comments, haha. It gives me a lot of motivation to hear from you guys! All of you deserve a party hat. Yes, a party hat. Never thought it would get this popular.

  That aside, this is a moan about lunch. I forgot my lunch; tragic, I know. Just means I have more to eat tomorrow, however. I'm not even that hungry!

  Okay, okay, that's not entirely the reason for writing this, the real reason ( no resin) I am writing is because of book club. You know those people that tend to read like a snail when it's not a book they really care about? Yeah? I'm not really that interested in mine, to be honest with you ( I was, however, quite interested with Cue For Treason last year; couldn't put it down, finished it in one night.). Too much describing! Also, we got our books late, so it was impossible to read to chapter 16. Sixteen is a very unrealistic number, don't you think? I'm almost sixteen; but that's not the point. The point is is that the book is too slowly paced for me. Then again, though, I picked up a bunch of library books earlier last week and haven't picked them up since because I was too busy drawing and crying over videogame characters... my life, everyone.

  Okay, conclusion. Bye everyone! Don't forget your lunch! If you have, though, I feel for you, man. I really do.
See what I did there? Civic Mirror? (laugh) Anyway, we just had a practice run of this thing. It's a program that simulates a country where everyone apparently has seven members in their fictitious family living under the same roof ( What time period is this in?)? It can either be utter chaos or a wannabe Utopia, depending on how you plan it. Like life, except you're taking care of 7 other people and crying about how only one person having all the Energy and you're all going to die. Yeah, juuuuuust like life.

  So, we're supposed to answer some questions, so here we go, questions.

  Q1. What did you learn during the practice run?

  Tough question. What did I learn...? You might want to ask a person who didn't own part of the City Hall and thus had like, all the luxuries; plus a house and an apartment. It would have been great had I not been too slow to get energy ( actually, didn't get any). I learned that some people are jerks, a la giving their friends most of everything. However, I also learned that if you point out people's mistakes in the trade section they are very likely to fix it. Weird. People also can't live without having powered houses too, apparently. You know, despite all the people who live with no energy and still survive in small shacks and stuff.

  Q2. Has it made you think about social or governement issues?

  Not really; but maybe when the actual not-practice run starts that'll change? We just don't know. All it reminded me of was my terrible anxiety when asking people for things, afraid they'll turn me down and get angry at me for even asking.

  Q3. How should good(s) be distributed?

  I'd distribute goods to the people who need them the most first, and those who already have it can just suck it I mean-- just deal with what they've got. Once the goods in question are back in, then they can have more.

  Don't be greedy.

Q4.  Do we need a government to help keep people organized?

  Hah, pretty much. Without some kind of power figure like government, worst case scenario we'd have people killing other people and/or stealing everything in sight. There'd be nothing left for A N Y B O D Y.

  Crap I just realized this is supposed to go in my Civics section. Oh well, it'll go up there as well. Double post!

Weebly wasn't even loading while I'm writing this, it's just got that circle thingy going for it; I'm actually writing this is ZenPen. Great program; so minimalist.

  So we have to write our quote-on-quote 'bestest' blog post, what that means is I have to pound noisily on the keyboard to produce some words that look good together and string them into a few paragraphs, I hope; I originally assumed all I had to do what pick my best post and post it somewhere or something. Weebly is still loading. Anyway, this time I actually have an idea of what to write about, something that is best in a way, I guess.

  A few weeks ago, I created a character (hint, he's in my Weebly arts section and has lots of blue); that character was going to be used in a right-now-nameless story in which he is the main character. So, I finished the first chapter yesterday, and sent it to a friend of mine who said she'd like to look at it. She said it was great and that I should write more, something I hope was not just her being nice. Anyway, I want to continue it because I so rarely do that with stories I write ( coughstoryintheenglishsectioncough), and I'm actually really into this character, whom I spent a LOT of time on; perhaps one of my favourites. I even made a google presentation because another friend wanted me to give her an overview of what this character was like ( and to make me elaborate on him)! Both my friends are very good with motivation as the latter friend got me to write the story in the first place with setting goals, and the former with cheering me on. Okay. What a large paragraph. 

  However, let me just tell you this right now: coming up with characters is HARD; You can spend days or even weeks either not coming up with anything or at the very least coming up with very little. I had already finalizing a lot of his looks, and I was superbly stuck before asking my friend for help on personality and special features ( The same friend who told me to make the PowerPoint which helped me out with that; thanks!). Darn characteristics; for some people it's easy, and for some, not so much. Ask for help if you're stuck on something, okay, kids?

  Anyway, I need to stop writing as the time's almost up; yay

This is a relatively different character design I had for him before I changed to vest and a regular monocle. Maybe I shouldn't have changed that monocle...?
Tee ee dee tee ayy ell kay.

  That's me attempting to sound out TED Talk with spelling. Terrible, huh?

  Anyway, we just watched a TED called 'Coding a better Government' by Jessica Pahika ( I actually can't see her last name well from all the way across this room! Go figure.). For the first few minutes it was about apps , then government, then the bureaucracy... and hands. One thing I can think of is that I would've never have guessed someone somewhere would make an app on fire hydrants; I certainly wouldn't have thought of that. Anyway it was more about changing bureaucracy, and as a guy in this class literally just said, " Government cannot be great if the people aren't involved." So there ARE reasons not to just listen to music!

  Aaaanyway, I guess I agree with what she said about some apps that were conceived in a couple of days going completely viral, as sometimes it happens with other things too. Of course, usually it has to be entertaining to become that popular, that is. Can't have no mundane apps!
I have to write some completely detailed 20 minute gross explanation of some moment in time, and if the word 'erotica' in the title is just too much for you, the back button is on the top left of your browser; help yourself.

  My fingers caressed the keyboard harshly as I moved from one black, elevated square to the next, lastly making one last loud clack as I pressed for the space button. Some of the matte-like finish on many keys had been aggressively rubbed away by repeated pressing, something that would never happen to old Personal Computer keyboards; it just wouldn't slide, but now they've abandoned the quality rule they once had. My friend and I laughed heartily as we sat in my seven-hundred dollar, recently redecorated bed writing exceptionally, but intentionally bad fanfiction. We had just finished writing a passage that made absolute zero sense, where a character had received a letter later that morning instead of earlier. A little while after noticing, we regressed to cackles and sucking in air trying to breathe; it was just too absurd. Later we had made another mistake, which involved having dinner that same moment in the morning. We almost wept, but before the warm, salty tears could run down our flushed cheeks, we both brushed the wet eye discharges aside. It was the funniest thing since watching that Pokemon abridged series earlier that morning.

  I almost wrote 'later' again, oops.
So we had to do one of those "Harlem Shake" videos *shudder*. I may not be noticeable in the videos, but I'm there, trust me, in all my embarrassed glory. We did it all around the school.

  I have to do something about who I represented. Some people said I represented the cool with suspenders, maybe. As embarrassing as it was for someone with two left feet, I guess it was very much needed good exercise.

  I would guess our theme is school pride?? I mean, it's all over the school and it's like, five minutes long.  It goes with my apparent representation: cool? I dunno, haha.

  I've got a manga to read.
You know the drill, You wake up. Turning off the alarm, you get dressed and check the weather, and guess what? No snow day! Darnit, maybe next time...

  This morning it decided to snow a monstrous amount during the night. So monstrous, I wouldn't even be surprised if all that trudging through the snow wet my socks and made my feet itchy ( It's coming, folks... I can feel it...)! Anyway, the bus still ran, and got stuck halfway up Burnett and I had to walk back to Robson to get my dad to drive me. Thanks, packing snow, you're my hero. Good thing apparently a lot of people were late, because my lateness won't be written down and it won't tarnish my attendance record! Gosh, I hate days like this...
Not from me. Taken from the Kyukyoku Chojin R OAV.
  Guess what????? Another mandatory post!! WHOA.

  So, we just watched a TED Talk called The 3 A's of Awesome or something. A dude was talking about how his life started going downhill and he picked it up by making a blog which got famous. I hope someday my blog gets that renowned...

  I agree with his 3 A's ( Attitude, Awareness, and... the one I can't remember. Hooray!), and I must admit that when it ended I was almost ready to clap ( Not because I was happy it ended, though) with the audience. He was pretty funny at points, too.