I'm pretty sure about that.

  That aside, I have to write about what has happened 'Inside school walls' lately against my will. Geez,again with the off-topic. What transpired as of late has been pretty boring, but I'll focus on Romeo and Juliet since that's what we're doing like, right after this. Enjoy.

  SO, Romeo and Juliet... an embarrassing play I had to take part in in about sixth grade, and still have to do to this day, hooray. However, now that I understand most of the crude jokes so far, I'm wondering if any teacher in sixth grade actually looked at the original content. Who ever heard of a play that starts out with two people talking about their... junk? Although I'm sure it was a more kid-friendly version, geez. Also, did people actually kiss on the first meeting back then because if so, [redacted]! What if kids these days did that too? Can you imagine first graders having already kissed a 'girlfriend' on the first day? That's actually kind of sick ( Bleh sick not cool sick) as I'm sure it has happened before.

  The play's kind of absurd so far, as every time you turn around someone's making another virgin or penis joke; though I guess it's not that different from today, really. If you substitute virgin joke with a 'yo mama' style joke and penis with more penis it would be pretty close to what's happening today ( excuse my vulgarity but hey, why should we have to watch my language when writing my own personal thoughts? Am I going to lose job opportunities for putting down my deepest thoughts? Why sugar-coat things?).

  Really, I guess Romeo and Juliet is kind of exactly what's going on right now, just without thirteen-year-olds getting married to fifteeners. I wonder what Shakespeare thought the world would be like in 2012? I doubt the thought crossed his mind, though.

  SO, how many vaguely phallic jokes are YOU going to make today?

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