We have to write something about what we want out of a future job!!! Aaaaaaahhh! This is weird considering we were just watching a really depressing documentary about unemployment ( I'm not so sure I'll be able to land a job anymore... next chance I get I'm moving the Luxembourg.).

  However, I don't think my field will be effected by the unemployment many university students are facing because they all want to be teachers or something. There's never a shortage of graphic artists or computer programmer jobs, is there? People still need others to figure out murders and stuff, right? Let's try and see a computer do THAT.

  Now, I have no idea how to use the Canadian Labour Market Info site (plus I'm eating my sub), I don't quite know how to answer the next bullet, but it just tells me to write down what careers I'm interested in ( That should be pretty obvious, as I've stated them several times.).

  I did not find any governing bodies wanting my job field ( although there probably are somewhere, who knows?

  Can I get experience to set me apart from my classmates? Yes, by going  to College instead of University.

  I can figure out stuff like HTML and computer coding to get me into a computer programming job, and digital painting ( which I already do) to get into an arts thing. 

  That's all I want to write about.
Mackenzie M
3/4/2013 09:46:29 pm

I believe that you have chosen a great field to go into. You definitely won’t have to move to Luxembourg, because you’ll have employment here in Canada! I think it’s good that you have chosen a job where employees are in high demand, because this will make your future much easier. I have also tried to find a job that interests me that will not leave me unemployed. Good luck with your future in this job field!

3/5/2013 11:34:36 am

Thank you for answering, Mackenzie! I'm glad to know I most likely won't have to move to Luxembourg, but I'm sure it must be a pretty great place, hah.

If the jobs are in high demand, that just means I'll have to work harder at getting them!! ..., But I'm so lazy...

Here's to hoping we both don't end up unemployed!


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