I'm really annoyed that I have to write a message to my 'future self' now because I don't like all this mandatory stuff! Too much, Ms. Wood! Too much!! I'm also a little angry because having to do this embarrasses me because it reminds me of like, fourth grade. Elementary was a terrible time for me, okay? Embarrassing. It reminds me of the terrible crap I used to draw. Thanks, 9-year-old me. Thanks for ruining my self-esteem.

  Whatever. I probably won't be using this site after this course, so, hey, butthead future self, please don't be unemployed and in debt, please. You're going to make me cry. Remember that post you saw a long time ago that showed a picture of some part of the news where they talked about the least needed jobs? Remember how architect, artist, and all that artsy stuff was in there?  They're so, totally wrong. Teach them that they made a big mistake putting the big art industries that design posters and promote businesses, and create the buildings the businesses stay in in that list.  Become successful in one of the things you want to do. If you still want to be a detective or someone in that field of business but haven't done it yet and know you can do it, start doing it! For the love of the universe, nothing's worse than people who give up on their dream job. That's all.

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