... Ugh... me and my... terrible titles for entries...

  Anyway, what did you guys do for your Easter break? I went to my grandparent's apartment ( more like small house), got stuck climbing on a rocky fence-thing (I forget the word for it now), and complained. Heck, I'm complaining now! What do YOU think these posts are for??

  We also had an Easter egg hunt on Sunday, in which both my dad and I miscounted everything. Perfect. My dad and I watched a movie and then he fell asleep and I cried during the opening. Hey, Castle In The Sky is an emotional movie for me!

  Then for April Fool's, I pretended to be this handsome guy all over the internet:
4/29/2013 11:11:38 pm

Your titles are kind of humorous. Great blog! I have never seen this movie but it sounds interesting

4/30/2013 11:21:07 pm

I am glad that my titles are viewed as such by so many people! Whoaaa!!

YOU SHOULD TOTALLY WATCH IT! The scenery, characters, and story are so moving I was crying during the opening! It's great if you like fantasy movies set in the past.

4/29/2013 11:11:51 pm

I don't celebrate Easter but I do participate in the egg hunts. I love long weekends so I just slept in. April fools was fun too! I pulled many pranks on my friends. Nice blog, I like how you asked questions to your readers. It makes it much more interactive. :) I also like your other blogs, keep up the work!

P.S. Your titles are hilarious!

4/30/2013 11:25:21 pm

Egg hunts are the best; you can participate even if you don't celebrate! Plus, being able to sleep in is quite the bonus, love holidays.

I always try to engage the readers in my personal writing because I see so many people that don't and it kind of ruins the experience. So thank you for your compliments! Thank you so much!

And I'm so glad everyone finds my titles so funny!


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