I have to write some completely detailed 20 minute gross explanation of some moment in time, and if the word 'erotica' in the title is just too much for you, the back button is on the top left of your browser; help yourself.

  My fingers caressed the keyboard harshly as I moved from one black, elevated square to the next, lastly making one last loud clack as I pressed for the space button. Some of the matte-like finish on many keys had been aggressively rubbed away by repeated pressing, something that would never happen to old Personal Computer keyboards; it just wouldn't slide, but now they've abandoned the quality rule they once had. My friend and I laughed heartily as we sat in my seven-hundred dollar, recently redecorated bed writing exceptionally, but intentionally bad fanfiction. We had just finished writing a passage that made absolute zero sense, where a character had received a letter later that morning instead of earlier. A little while after noticing, we regressed to cackles and sucking in air trying to breathe; it was just too absurd. Later we had made another mistake, which involved having dinner that same moment in the morning. We almost wept, but before the warm, salty tears could run down our flushed cheeks, we both brushed the wet eye discharges aside. It was the funniest thing since watching that Pokemon abridged series earlier that morning.

  I almost wrote 'later' again, oops.
.-- .... .- - / .. ..-. / .. / .-- .-. --- - . / - .... .. ... / . -. - .. .-. . / .--. --- ... - / .. -. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . ..--.. / .-- --- ..- .-.. -.. -. .----. - / - .... .- - / -... . / ... --- -- . - .... .. -. --. ..--.. / .. .----. -- / .-. . .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / --. .-.. .- -.. / .. - .----. ... / ..-. .-. .. -.. .- -.-- --..-- / .- -. -.. / - .... .- - / - --- -- --- .-. .-. --- .-- / .. ... / - .... . / -... . --. .. -. -. .. -. --. / --- ..-. / -- .- .-. -.-. .... / -... .-. . .- -.- .-.-.- / .. .----. ...- . / --. --- - / -- -.-- / ..-. .. -. --. . .-. ... / -.-. .-. --- ... ... . -.. / - .... .- - / -- -.-- / ..-. .-. .. . -. -.. --..-- / . -- .. .-.. -.-- --..-- / -.-. .- -. / -.-. --- -- . / --- ...- . .-. / - --- / ... - .- -.-- / .- / ..-. . .-- / -.. .- -.-- ... / ... --- / - .... .- - / .-- . / -.-. .- -. / .--- ..- ... - / .-- .- - -.-. .... / -.. . - . -.-. - .. ...- . / -.-. --- -. .- -. / .- -. -.. / .-- .-. .. - . / .- / ... .. .-.. .-.. -.-- / ..-. .- -. ..-. .. -.-. - .. --- -. ? / .-- . .----. ...- . / .- .-.. .-. . .- -.. -.-- / --. --- - / .. -.. . .- ... .-.-.-
.. / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / --. . - / -.- .. -.-. -.- . -.. / ..-. --- .-. / - .... .. ...
So we had to do one of those "Harlem Shake" videos *shudder*. I may not be noticeable in the videos, but I'm there, trust me, in all my embarrassed glory. We did it all around the school.

  I have to do something about who I represented. Some people said I represented the cool with suspenders, maybe. As embarrassing as it was for someone with two left feet, I guess it was very much needed good exercise.

  I would guess our theme is school pride?? I mean, it's all over the school and it's like, five minutes long.  It goes with my apparent representation: cool? I dunno, haha.

  I've got a manga to read.
  I finally found a use for those link buttons on this thing! They all link to the same thing so do not fret, my friends ( and possibly not, I mean, the internet is accessible to everyone, including people who don't know me ( If you don't you should get to know my perfect self))!
It's really cheesy.

  Do you ever hear the squeaking of balloons against each other and just, cringe??? It's such an awful sound! Like when you touch a towel or another type of fabric while your hands are really dry and chalky, and it sends shivers up and down your back because you touched it and UGH IT'S SO TERRIBLE!! Why, hands, why‽‽‽‽

  Y'know, a while back I was looking up how to cope with people who chew their gum really loud, and I learned it's directly linked to a thing called Misophonia. Misophonia is when you can't stand a certain noise and almost go entirely berserk when you hear it, usually it's the sound of people chewing. It's actually really common; my brother has it, I have it, my sister has it, and I'm sure my dad and mom do to some degree as well.

  I decided to write about that because there's this person right in front of me who is whispering and I had to turn on some music to drown them out because it was actually angering me. I'm annoyed by my own whispering too, though for a different reason ( I'm like a megaphone, it's impossible for me to whisper nicely.). As for the gum chewing, I asked my teacher to be seated elsewhere because I would probably go crazy if I had to listen to the person chew all day and watch their jaw sort of almost unhinge in the corner of my eye because apparently they had no control over it. Ugh, they should make a no gum chewing policy in the school. Or whispering.
  A good song by the Sheepdogs, but that's besides the point.

  You know how occasionally I post about my love for the series Detective Conan? This is one of those, but focused on the soundtrack albums. I have downloaded a few of them myself; Super Best, Super Best 2, both the discs for Selection Best, and a few opening/ending songs. I never get tired of them. A lot of the songs are very saxxy (see what I did there?) and calm for a mystery series, and they fit every scene perfectly! The song that usually plays when a culprit confesses? Spot on with the mood. The song that represents the moments of suspicion and tension? Perfect. Conan and Ran's themes? Pretty great. 'The Great Detective of The West'? It really fits the character it's used for! I was actually just listening to that one. Also, if we're talking Openings and Endings, Nazo ( Mystery) by Miho Komatsu and STEP BY STEP from Ziggy are my current favourites. Gotta keep taking sips of those lukewarm teas (ugh.)! Too bad I forgot to download the full version of STEP BY STEP... I wonder if Soundcloud does downloads... Ha! It does! Eureka! ( at least, it has a third party download site.)

  Katsuo Ohno band ( the ones behind the BGM in the anime) is so good.
You know the drill, You wake up. Turning off the alarm, you get dressed and check the weather, and guess what? No snow day! Darnit, maybe next time...

  This morning it decided to snow a monstrous amount during the night. So monstrous, I wouldn't even be surprised if all that trudging through the snow wet my socks and made my feet itchy ( It's coming, folks... I can feel it...)! Anyway, the bus still ran, and got stuck halfway up Burnett and I had to walk back to Robson to get my dad to drive me. Thanks, packing snow, you're my hero. Good thing apparently a lot of people were late, because my lateness won't be written down and it won't tarnish my attendance record! Gosh, I hate days like this...
Not from me. Taken from the Kyukyoku Chojin R OAV.
  Guess what????? Another mandatory post!! WHOA.

  So, we just watched a TED Talk called The 3 A's of Awesome or something. A dude was talking about how his life started going downhill and he picked it up by making a blog which got famous. I hope someday my blog gets that renowned...

  I agree with his 3 A's ( Attitude, Awareness, and... the one I can't remember. Hooray!), and I must admit that when it ended I was almost ready to clap ( Not because I was happy it ended, though) with the audience. He was pretty funny at points, too.
It's bring all glitchy (again!)!

  Anyway, it's a 20-minute independent thing about a choosable topic. I don't really know what to write...

  You know what? Here. As much as I love grapes, I hate, hate, hate, HATE when a piece of the stem gets stuck into the beautiful, crisp, round fruit! I'm eating some right now, and I can't count how many times the stem has broken off into the grape goodness. It's easy to take care of, but it's so annoying sometimes.

  Grapes, why hath thou forsaken me??? ( I just finished my last one oops)

  P.S. I actually really love grapes.

  P.P.S. I'm just doing this to fill up time.

  P.P.P.S. This is very Andy Griffiths style.

  P.P.P.P.S. I'm wondering now if this would be the new 'I Like Round Things' my teacher talked about once?

  P.P.P.P.P.S. With a keen eye for grapes one fruit will prevail.

  P.P.P.P.P.P.S. I should not be laughing as hard as I am at that last one.

  P.P.p.P.P.P.P.S. Will the teacher even see this?

  1.   Should I consider this a long or a short post?
  2.   I'm longingly staring at the cookies in my lunchbag but I'll wait till second block
  3.   Thanks for the bullets, Weebly ( I guess you aren't such a screwup after all!)
  4. I have more art to post today (hooray)
  • What?
  • The grass on this blog layout looks like it was done in photoshop. Thanks, Weebly
  • I have seven minutes left
  • I'm actually really upset because I lost a freeby by accidentally leaving my project in my bag instead of in my binder
  • Do you ever just wonder about IBS
  • 4 minutes
  1. No Signal
  2. does ANYONE look at these?
  3. I wish I could be like that girl who goes to school late just to post the late slips on her wall
  4. how does writing two bullets waste another minute
  5. Toilet parties at Shinichi's place
My favourite book/show, everyone
  I can't read the timer anymore because it's too dark ( Not like I could see it clearly anyway hahahahahaha poor eyesight).

  I need to go see the Optometrists again.
I'm really annoyed that I have to write a message to my 'future self' now because I don't like all this mandatory stuff! Too much, Ms. Wood! Too much!! I'm also a little angry because having to do this embarrasses me because it reminds me of like, fourth grade. Elementary was a terrible time for me, okay? Embarrassing. It reminds me of the terrible crap I used to draw. Thanks, 9-year-old me. Thanks for ruining my self-esteem.

  Whatever. I probably won't be using this site after this course, so, hey, butthead future self, please don't be unemployed and in debt, please. You're going to make me cry. Remember that post you saw a long time ago that showed a picture of some part of the news where they talked about the least needed jobs? Remember how architect, artist, and all that artsy stuff was in there?  They're so, totally wrong. Teach them that they made a big mistake putting the big art industries that design posters and promote businesses, and create the buildings the businesses stay in in that list.  Become successful in one of the things you want to do. If you still want to be a detective or someone in that field of business but haven't done it yet and know you can do it, start doing it! For the love of the universe, nothing's worse than people who give up on their dream job. That's all.
  We have to write something about what we want out of a future job!!! Aaaaaaahhh! This is weird considering we were just watching a really depressing documentary about unemployment ( I'm not so sure I'll be able to land a job anymore... next chance I get I'm moving the Luxembourg.).

  However, I don't think my field will be effected by the unemployment many university students are facing because they all want to be teachers or something. There's never a shortage of graphic artists or computer programmer jobs, is there? People still need others to figure out murders and stuff, right? Let's try and see a computer do THAT.

  Now, I have no idea how to use the Canadian Labour Market Info site (plus I'm eating my sub), I don't quite know how to answer the next bullet, but it just tells me to write down what careers I'm interested in ( That should be pretty obvious, as I've stated them several times.).

  I did not find any governing bodies wanting my job field ( although there probably are somewhere, who knows?

  Can I get experience to set me apart from my classmates? Yes, by going  to College instead of University.

  I can figure out stuff like HTML and computer coding to get me into a computer programming job, and digital painting ( which I already do) to get into an arts thing. 

  That's all I want to write about.